How's your year been? Where has your journey taken you?
For me 2019 has been an interesting journey of personal highs and lows. My big, exciting plan for the year was to expand my skills and opportunities by training to work in a hospital. I'm now one mentoring session off becoming a fully-fledged Full Circle Fund massage therapist on the haematology and oncology wards at St George's Hospital.... if I can finally get glove hygiene nailed. It hasn't been easy, I was warned it would be a journey and I've battled on and off with a lot of self doubt. At times it might have been easier to retreat to the safer ground of my home massage business, but, thanks to a stubborn streak, an amazing mentor, him indoors/friends/clients and the rewards of treating people at their most vulnerable, I've had to walk with my fears and confront them even when my nerves have been telling me otherwise. A quiet voice in my head has been whispering 'I am better than I think I am,' 'I can't know everything' and that 'this is the beginning of the journey, not the end.' I wonder if this resonates with any of you?
And so at the end of this year, as training is near completion, forgive the play on wards, I have come full circle on myself and I end 2019 at peace, knowing that massage therapy is very much where I should be both at home and in the hospital.
I am so blinking grateful to my clients and to the patients for their ongoing support and positive feedback. Thank you and I wish you much love this Christmas and into the New Year!
(Oh, please note that my hospital work will barely affect my availability for you - it's just Mondays)
Claire xx